“It took a while to understand the beauty of just letting go.” -Unknown
Healing: Motives
Welcome to Part 4 on my series on Healing. Motives. Examine yourself, and be mindful of your motives. If you are talking about something that is painful because you feel that people should know how that person or situation has wronged you, then you are opening up the door for bitterness and resentment to…
Quote Of The Week
“Don’t forget that you’re human. It’s okay to have a melt down. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.” -Unknown
Healing: Goals
Welcome to Part 3 of my series on Healing. Goals…something you are trying to achieve or are directing effort towards a specified end. For instance, if you have a hard time going to Walmart because of the large crowd you could set up a series of goals. Perhaps, you’d like to start off with…
Quote Of The Week
“When you become who you were meant to be, you will set the world on fire.” -St. Catherine of Siena