Here’s my Part 2 about the Stanford sexual assault case. This is where I just want to respond with “What the Hell” to the things Mr. Turner and Brock’s friend, Leslie, have to say. I find these assertions to be more disturbing than the quotes in Part 1; if that’s at all possible. it’s not…
Alcohol and Rape: The Stanford Sexual Assault Case – Part 1
It’s taken me a long time to finish this post. I’ve got so much to say that I have decided to post it in two parts. There are so many things about the Stanford sexual assault case that bothers me deeply. I don’t understand the total lack of understanding on the part of the offender…
Stress Dreams
My kids are starting their summer break, and next month is going to be very busy for us. We have lots of things planned for June. Ah, stress! You guessed it; stress dreams are happening. Stress dreams tend to stress me out; which leads to more stress dreams. Don’t you just love how that cycle…
EDMR: A New Resource
I was reading some comments on Facebook, from one of the pages I follow, and saw the term EDMR being referred to. Since I was not familiar with this term I decided to look it up. EDMR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; it “is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the…
Mother’s Day 2016
Wow. This Mother’s Day was so much harder than I thought it would be. I normally don’t have any issues with this day. Right now, I’m in the midst of weaning off of my anxiety medication. My doctor would like to see me not needing to take it every day; since the medicine can be…