forgiveness takes time, and courage when you choose to work on it in the midst of such hurt and pain. I’m not talking about rushing into or forcing yourself into forgiving someone. Hurt and pain are part of forgiving. If there was no hurt or pain, there would be no need to forgive.
The View
I recently went to the Grand Canyon. What an amazingly breathtaking place. The Grand Canon’s setting is situated in a place I didn’t expect…in the midst of a forest. With the setting of the sun, surrounded by a beautiful forest, the Grand Canyon emerges before us and it takes my breath away. I must say I…
Beautiful Spots
I’m learning to be more honest with myself, and who I believe myself to be. I’m realizing that God doesn’t want me to be a Christian that puts on a mask to show the world, but to allow myself to be me. I’m not perfect and I’m finding that it’s ok. I’m realizing that sometimes those…
Dark Road
Psalms 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my fee, and a light unto my path